Life as a Kid Reporter

Barack Obama #44

Posts Tagged ‘Twitter

NBC Washington Bureau on Election Night 2008

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I have got some news about where I will be on election night, NBC’s Washington D.C. Bureau. I am not sure what time or what exactly I am doing. I am probably going to cover McCain’s “victory” party. I also know I will be in the newsroom as well. That is all I know and I will post more on Monday night! ElectionTV may be cancelled or delayed due to the change in schedule. I will have the exact time and more information later. In the mean time go to Scholastic News on NOVEMBER 3rd at 12:00 EST to watch some reporters sound off about the election.  For the latest information go to my twitter page! That will have the latest update from D.C. and more. I also invite you to vote in my Election Poll that ends November 3rd at 12:00 midnight CST. If anyone is interested in my new blog News by the Numbers you can go check it out and become a blogger with me!

*****************Tonight change your clocks!********************

“Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. tomorrow, so don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed.

More than 1.5 billion people around the world change their clocks twice a year to make the most of the available sunlight.

The Fire Marshal of Ontario is recommending Ontarians replace the old batteries in their smoke alarms when they change their clocks.

More on daylight saving time:

Heart attack rate lower after clocks go back

Bad for the environment?”


Election Updates

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Welcome to my blog, Sorry I haven’t been doing any updating recently I have been very busy and sick. I recently went to Interview Congressman Don Manzullo (R) Il-16 about the economic crisis. He has a very interesting view and I will share it will you when I have my article done. I also have some breaking news, The Chicago Tribune endorsed Barack Obama for president today. It is the first time The Chicago Tribune had nominated a african american for president,  you can read more here. Sarah Palin is going to be on SNL tomorrow! The appearence is going to be bumped up from its previosly scheduled time. This was my opinion on the debate, “The last presidential debate was a very interesting one because undecided voters had their last chance to see McCain and Obama. McCain seemed a little more harsh then he usually does probably to show Americans that he is strong. Meanwhile Obama kept his cool many blog sites saying he was more of a gentleman. SAM DONALDSON of ABC News joked that Joe the Plumber from Ohio won the debate and I have to agree. He was mentioned 21 times by McCain and four times by Obama. According to a CBS 4 (Miami) poll Obama won the debate. This debate had more time for answers to the questions than the other ones. According to Google during this time many viewers “Googled” Such terms as Joe the Plumber, Roe vs Wade, ACORN, and No Child Left Behind. With under 20 days until election day and polls already open this election is going to heat up even more! Stay with Scholastic News for the latest election coverage including a live webshow with three kid reporters on November 3rd!” I had to write a coment for this blog. To get the latest information about where I am you can follow me on twitter! I also will have an election webshow on November 4th at 6:30 EST to cover the election live from Washington D.C. You can click on the link above for more information(electionTV). Also after the election I will have a new blog making news easier for people called “News by the Numbers” I will put a link up later in the election! Also please participate in my new poll below. The Poll will close at midnight on Nov. 3rd. I may have more polls later, please give me suggestions below in comments.

Written by Michael Geheren

October 17, 2008 at 2:25 pm